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Maurice McClure - U.S. Navy - World War II
Maurice McClure - NEEDS CAPTIONS - World War II
Harry Offer - Pilot CBI - WWII
Harry Offer - Pilot CBI - WWII
Bobby Scott, Korean War, Vietnam War
Bobby Scott, Korean War, Vietnam War - Our Veterans, Their Stories
James Cochran - U.S. Marine Corp - Cuban Missile Crisis
James Cochran - NEED CAPTIONS
Robert Metler - WWII Veteran
Robert Metler WWII Veterans of Western New York
Steve McCord
McCord, Steve - Our Veterans, Their Stories
William Lindbergh - U.S. Marines
William Lindbergh - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Philip Smith - Korean War Conflict
Philip L Smith - Korean War Veteran
Richard Helmich
Helmich, Richard - Our Veterans,Their Stories
Stacy Decker - U.S. Marines
Stacy Decker - NEED CAPTION
Kirk Snyder, U.S. Marines - Vietnam War
Kirk Snyder, Vietnam - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Malcom Pelton - WWII Veteran
Pelton, Malcom - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Larry MacDonald, U.S. Airforce
Larry MacDonald, Olean, NY, Missile Defense - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Vietnam War: Chapter Four: Looking Back
Vietnam War: Chapter Four 3-15
Timothy Lerminiaux - U.S. Marine Corp
Timothy Lerminiaux - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Lester Bishop - WWII Veteran
Lester Bishop WWII Veterans of Western New York
George See, U.S. Army - Vietnam
George See, Randolph, NY, Vietnam War - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Vincent Oliverio - WWII Veteran: Part 1
Vincent Oliverio WWII part 1 Veterans of Western New York
Rudy LaBelle - WWII Veteran
Rudy LaBelle WWII Veterans of Western New York
Vietnam War: Chapter One
vietnam chapter one 3-15
Scott Stuhr - U.S. Army
Scott Stuhr - Our Veterans, Their Stories
James Stuhr - U.S. Army
James Stuhr - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Bill Benson - WWII Part 1
Bill Benson WWII part 1 Veterans of Western New York
Harry Offer - Pilot WWII
Harry Offer WWII Veterans of Western New York 2
George Schreiber - WWII Veteran
Schreiber, George - WWII: The Stories of the Veterans of WNY
Edward Leaskey - U.S. Navy - WWII
Edward Leaskey - WWII Veteran in U.S. Navy
John Vail - U.S. Marine Corp
John F Vail - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Gary Pancio - U.S. Army - Vietnam War
Gary Pancio - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Norm Marsh
Marsh, Norm - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Eugene Dixon - U.S. Army - Vietnam War
Eugene Dixon - NEED CAPTION
Emil Ash - U.S. Army
Emil Ash - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Vernon Robinson Jr - U.S. Marines
Vernon Robinson Jr - NEED CAPTIONS
Darwin Booram - WWII
Booram, Darwin - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Vietnam War: Chapter Three: Coming Home
Vietnam War Chapter Three 3-15
Robert Truckenbrod - WWII Veteran
Robert Truckenbrod WWII Veterans of Western New York
Glen Hester - Vietnam War
Hester, Glen - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Larry Griffith - WWII Veteran
Larry Griffith WWII Veterans of Western New York
Robert Spitzer - WWII Veteran
Bob Spitzer WWII Veterans of Western New York
Dale King - U.S. Navy - Vietnam
Dale King - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Ned Ray Armstrong - U.S. Army
Ned Ray Armstrong, Military Police - Our Veterans, Their Stories
George Heron - WWII Veteran
George Heron WWII Veterans of Western New York
Franklin Green - Vietnam War
Green, Franklin - Our Veterans, Their Stories
William Frank - WWII
Frank, William - Our Veterans, Their Stories
Charles Huntington - WWII Veteran
Charles Huntington WWII Veterans of Western New York
Michael Jones - U.S. Navy and Army Reserve
Michael Jones - U.S. Navy
Bill Benson - WWII Part 2
Bill Benson WWII part 2 Veterans of Western New York
Harry Uhl, U.S. Army
Harry Uhl, Vietnam War - Our Veterans, Their Stories
James Stone - WWII Veteran
James Stone WWII Veterans of Western New York
Vietnam War: Chapter Two: In Country
Vietnam War Chapter Two 3-15
James Armstrong - U.S. Army
James Armstrong - Our Veterans, Their Stories