Portville Historical & Preservation Society Museum

The Portville Historical and Preservation Society is an educational agency, chartered by the Regents of the State of New York. It was established in 1986 in response to renewed interest in the preservation of Portville's past. The society seeks to promote an awareness and pride in the community's heritage in order to assure its preservation for future generations.  PHPS is located at 17 Maple Avenue,
Portville, N.Y.  We are co-located with the Chestnut Hill Cemetery Association.  Our office is open Thursdays from 10am to 4pm from May to September.

The Portville Historical and Preservation Society is involved in a variety of interesting and worthwhile activities:


And Restoration of the Bedford Corner Historic District and Schoolhouse that was built in 1864.

Genealogy Resources

Many research aids for the student, historian and genealogist. Genealogies of many Portville families, Census indices, cemetery listings, county histories, and over 2,500 obituaries are on file.

Research File

Hundred's of individual files and pamphlets which include Portville churches, industries, merchants, organizations, cemeteries, canal, schools, veterans, government, houses, buildings and transportation.


Collecting, preserving, displaying and copying photographs, glass negatives and tintypes depicting people, places and events in Portville's past and recent history. Albums of photographs of Portville's families, Westons Mills, Flood of 1972, original Portville postcards etc.

Documents and Data

Collection, accessioning and copying of printed materials regarding Portville's history. Albums of Portville School memorabilia beginning in 1874 plus photos and minute books of district schools, diaries, scrapbooks, and maps.


There are several publications for sale including books, prints and sketches.


May through September
Thursdays: 10 AM - 4 PM
or by appointment.



17 Maple Avenue
Portville, NY 14770

Tag Municipality
