Ellicottville Memorial Library

To promote life-long literacy, increase cultural and artistic awareness, and to provide opportunities for  education, personal growth, and enrichment, free of cost and without bias, to all of those we serve.


Free Internet Access- Seven Public Access Computers with broadband internet connection located in the "Chuck and Patti Crist & Family Computer Center."  Five laptops are also available for public use thanks to a generous donation from the Ellicottville Rotary Foundation.

Scanning, Copying, Printing, and Faxing Services- You may scan or copy important documents; send and receive faxes; and print anything from homework to directions to recipes to graduation announcements.  Faxes are fifty cents per page, color prints are thirty, black and white prints twenty, and photocopies are a mere ten cents each.  Students printing homework get their first ten pages for free!

Reading Materials

Children's Books- The children's collection is housed in the "Kelly for Kids" section; thank you Jim Kelly!

Teen Books- A wonderful collection of classic and modern writings that appeal to the interests of teenagers.

Adult Books- Our collection of adult fiction and non-fiction is regularly updated with the latest best sellers and of course staple classic authors are available as well.

Special Interest Reading Areas- The "Panje Graux Reading Area" is home not only to the magazine collection but also to a diverse selection of sewing books and field guides.  Across the way, the Ms. Chikopee Creative Corner hosts Dinah's wonderful collection of gardening booksas well as thepainting and photography section.

Magazines- An extensive, up-to-date magazine collection of popular publications suggested by our patrons, housed in the "Panje Graux Reading Area".

Inter-Library Loans- Can't seem to find what your looking for?  The library can order it for you through our Inter-Library Loan Service.



6499 Maples Road
Ellicottville, NY 14731

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