Ellicottville is turning 200! To celebrate their Bicentennial, the Historical Society and Museum, and local establishments have planned the following events! Follow the Historical Society on Facebook for fun facts, photos and more!
Holiday Valley Winter Carnival – March 14-15:
Heritage Town Photos and Ski Heritage Photos on display in the Main Lodge of HV.
Edna Northrup –adventurer and skier – 30 min talk about start of skiing in Ellicottville. Dawn Westfall and Mary Elizabeth Dunbar also there to talk on heritage. HV Main Lodge.
Parade participation and costume parade participation.
Town Birthday Party – April 13:
At Town Hall – pioneer certificates given. Apply by Feb 13, 2020 – FB Page.
Old Home Weekend – July 17-19:
Parade on Saturday morning, the 18th.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is sponsoring a carnival – kids activities.
Potential BBQ dinner.
Reunion of the 154th – July 18th:
1-4pm at Town Center with Mark Dunkelman
Ellicottville Distillery:
Commemorative bicentennial whiskey.
November 2019 – December 2020 - $15 – local establishments
Commemorative Postal Cancellation Stamp:
Designed by Barbara Fox – any mail that goes through Ellicottville on Monday, April 13 will get this cancellation stamp.
Pioneer Plaque:
Grove Hurlburt – first person to settle in 1815. Along Rt. 219, near lot once owned by Hurlburt.